Ayurvedic Treatment for Female Infertility - Dr. Health ...

Ayurveda Overview of Female Health and Fertility

Women’s Health Management Using Ancient Ayurvedic Science

According to Ayurveda, women's health is regulated by three energies or Doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These Doshas are responsible for regulating bodily functions and maintaining health. An imbalance in any of these Doshas can lead to various health issues, including menstrual disorders, hormonal imbalances, and infertility. Ayurvedic Science and treatments thus provide a natural and effective way to manage female health issues and enhance fertility through a balanced approach to diet, lifestyle, and natural treatments. By promoting balance in the Doshas, supporting reproductive health, and emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle, Ayurveda helps women achieve optimal health and well-being.

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Causes of Female Infertility

  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Unhealthy Eating habits/Obesity
  • Excess intake of nicotine and alcohol
  • PID- Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
  • Endometriosis
  • Infertility related to tubes
  • Fibroids or cysts
  • Overall health and fitness
This is an example description for this item.

Symptoms of Female Infertility

This is an example description for this item.
  • Abnormal periods: Bleeding is heavier or lighter than usual
  • Irregular periods: The number of days in between periods varies each month
  • No period: You never had a period or period suddenly stop.
  • Painful periods: Back pain, Pelvic Pain, and cramping may happen
  • Skin changes- including the frequent occurrence of acne
  • Changes in sex drive and desire
  • Dark thick facial hair growth and stubborn hairs on the chest Scalp Hair loss, thinning of hair, and excessive breakage.
  • Abnormal weight gain.

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PCOD/PCOS Treatment

PCOD is a long-term condition. PCOD or Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease is a lifestyle disorder. This disorder is characterized by hormonal imbalances & in later stages leads to development of cysts in the ovaries. In Ayurveda, PCOD is caused by an imbalance of any of the two doshas - Pitta (Fire) & Kapha (Water). Aggravated Pitta causes contamination of the dhatus or tissues like blood & plasma. This causes a buildup of toxins or ama in the body. Ayurveda offers an all-around treatment approach that takes care of the root cause of this condition. Lifestyle modifications & dietary adjustments, plays the primary role in treating this condition.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Treatment

PID affected 1.9 million women per year worldwide. It is the most common and serious inflammatory disease in the female reproductive tract which is usually caused by sexually transmitted infections. This inflammatory disease can lead to damage of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and female genital tract. In Ayurveda, PID is viewed as an imbalance in the doshas, particularly the Pitta and Kapha doshas. Ayurvedic practitioner recommends Panchakarma, a cleansing and rejuvenating practice, to remove toxins from the reproductive tract and cure root cause of infections

Fibroid Treatment:

Fibroids are benign growths, which originate in the walls of the uterus. Causes of fibroids can be related to hormonal changes or genetic changes. In Ayurveda, fibroids are believed to be caused by an imbalance in the doshas, particularly the Kapha dosha. Ayurvedic treatments for fibroids focus on restoring balance to the doshas, reducing inflammation, promoting healthy tissue growth, and supporting the body's natural healing processes. Herbal remedies are at the core of Ayurvedic interventions for fibroids. Medication by our Ayurvedic practitioners include a unique blend of variety of herbs known for their anti-inflammatory, hormone-balancing, and tissue-nourishing properties.

Cyst Treatment

Ovarian cysts are a common problem that affects women in their childbearing years. These cysts develop inside the ovaries at the time of ovulation. Ayurveda is a holistic form of alternate medication that can be quite effective when it comes to treating ovarian cysts. In Ayurveda, cysts are often viewed as a result of an imbalance in the doshas, or energy systems, of the body. Ayurvedic treatments for cysts focus on restoring balance to the doshas & promoting overall health & wellness. Lifestyle modifications, dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, detoxification practices, & mindfulness techniques are often combined to address the root cause of the cysts. These herbal supplements help to restore balance & promote healthy ovarian function.

White Discharge/ Leucorrhoea Treatment

A whitish sticky fluid or jelly-like substance also known as Leucorrhoea is the excessive white discharge that comes out through your vagina. Though it is very natural during ovulation, it turns out to be alarming when it starts discharging in a huge amount, smells foul or fishy, becomes sticky, or causes pain in the lower abdomen & lowers back. Our Ayurvedic treatment for Leucorrhoea involves a combination of herbal treatments, dietary adjustments, & lifestyle modifications. Herbs like Ashoka, Lodha, Shatavari, & Guduchi are used for antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties, that help address the root causes of excessive discharge.

Irregular Periods

Many women face irregularities in their monthly period cycle, at least once in their lifetime. The cause of this irregular period can be linked to hormonal imbalance, stress, poor diet, and thyroid issue among others which in later stages can harm fertility. The treatment for irregular periods in Ayurveda involves balancing the Doshas through natural remedies and lifestyle modifications. Ayurvedic treatment by our expert doctors takes a holistic approach to health and wellness, addressing the root cause of the issue rather than just treating the symptoms. Our Ayurvedic treatment for irregular periods emphasizes the importance of a balanced lifestyle, which includes adopting a nourishing and appropriate diet. Incorporating foods that pacify the aggravated Dosha is crucial.

Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Female Infertility

At Dr. Health, our Ayurvedic practitioners for female infertility use personalized treatment plans according to the individual's specific needs and symptoms. We use ayurvedic science to give you a complete solution to managing infertility that emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy body and mind, bolstering the immune system, and adopting a balanced lifestyle. According to Ayurvedic principles, achieving optimal fertility involves restoring Ojas (vital energy), promoting Vatanulomana (healthy circulation), eliminating toxins (Ama), pacifying imbalanced Doshas (energy types), improving digestive fire (Agni), utilizing Vajikaran (aphrodisiacs), and incorporating Sodhana Chikitsa (purification therapy). By implementing these practices our specialized doctors, can help individuals improve their chances of overcoming infertility and achieving better reproductive health.

Dr. Health FAQs

Is Ayurveda helpful in preventing infertility?

Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, can be helpful in preventing infertility by promoting overall health and wellness. Infertility is a complex issue that can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances, stress, and poor diet and lifestyle habits. Ayurvedic treatments and practices can address these factors and help prevent infertility.

Is Ayurveda helpful in curing female infertility?

Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, can be helpful in treating and curing female infertility by addressing the root causes of the condition and promoting overall health and wellness. This can include a variety of therapies, including herbal remedies, dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and Panchakarma.

Can Ayurveda help in conceiving?

Ayurvedic treatments and practices can be used to balance hormones, reduce stress, improve reproductive function, and promote healthy pregnancy. According to Ayurveda, an individual's constitution, or dosha, plays an important role in determining their ability to conceive. Ayurvedic treatments focus on restoring balance to the doshas and promoting overall health and wellness to support conception.

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