Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Varicocele | Dr. Health Experts ...

Swollen Testicles! Is it Varicocele?

Do you have swollen testicles and you are wondering whether it is Varicocele or Not? And if it is then how you can treat Varicocele without Surgery.

Varicocele is a medical condition in which the veins of the man’s scrotum become enlarged with blood, causing them to swell up. This swelling can result in the enlarged scrotum along with pain and discomfort. Varicocele if left untreated can lead to shrinkage of testicles and can also cause infertility. Varicocele affects the flow of blood towards the testicle which can lead to increased testicular temperature and pressure that affects the sperm production.

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicocele

Varicocele is treatable. Yes, Varicocele can be treated without surgery. There is a safe and effective way to treat varicocele without surgery. Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicocele is a natural and holistic approach that addresses the root cause of the condition. In conventional approach, the treatment that is suggested for varicocele is through surgery that is called as varicocele embolization. However, the drawbacks of this conventional approach is its invasive nature, lack of permanent cure, re-occurrence issues etc. To overcome all these limitations, Dr. Health offers a 100% natural treatment of varicocele.Whether it is mild grade or grade 4 varicocele, you can cure varicocele without surgery.

The science behind the causes of this condition is unclear, but our Ayurvedic experts believe it can develop when the valves inside your spermatic cord prevent the blood from flowing properly. To understand the condition better, let’s take a closer look at the warning signs and symptoms –

Common Symptoms of Varicocele that you may experience are:

  1. Swollen Testicles- Enlarged Scrotum due to swollen veins
  2. Pain and Discomfort- Aching or tenderness in the scrotum
  3. Testicular Shrinkage- Reduced testicle size due to untreated varicocele
  4. Infertility- Difficulty conceiving due to affected sperm production
  5. Dull Testicular Pain- Persistent Pain in the testicles
  6. Scrotal Swelling- Enlargement of the scrotum
  7. Abnormal Testicular Size- Uneven size of the testicles

If you are concerned about this condition, make an early appointment with an Ayurvedic expert at Dr. Health for consultation & treatment.The herbal Ayurvedic medicines are quite effective in curing varicocele. Our Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicocele addresses the root cause of the condition, providing a safe and permanent solution without surgery.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicocele

  • Natural and Holistic Approach
  • No Surgery Required
  • No Risk of Re-occurrence
  • No Side Effects
  • Permanent Cure
  • Improves Fertility

Timely Treatment is Possible with Early Diagnosis!

The science behind the causes of this condition is extra abdominal pressure. It can occur due to various reasons such as prolonged standing or sitting, lifting heavy weights, constipation, coughing or sneezing and genetic predisposition. This extra abdominal pressure damages the valves inside your spermatic cord preventing the blood from flowing properly. Varicocele can be categorised to up to 4 grades:

Grade 1: Small vein size less than 2.5 mm, not palpable but visible through ultrasound

Grade 2: Medium vein size between 2.5 - 2.9 mm, palpable but not visible

Grade 3: Large vein size between 3.0 – 3.9 mm, visible and palpable

Grade 4: Very large vein size up to 4.0 mm or more, severely swollen and twisted veins


Treat Varicocele Naturally at Home

Varicocele can be treated at home naturally by following the right regime. Our Ayurvedic experts at Dr. Health recommend a combination of herbal medicines, dietary and lifestyle modification, yoga and exercise to treat varicocele at home with surgery.

1. Herbal Medicines for Varicocele

Our herbal ayurvedic medicines are specifically designed to reduce vein size, improve blood flow, and relieve pain and discomfort. These medicines are natural, effective, and safe, with no side effects.

2. Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications

Dietary and Lifestyle Modifications play a crucial role in treating Varicocele. Our experts recommend:

  • Eating food that reduce inflammation and improve blood flow
  • Avoiding foods that increase abdominal pressure
  • Regular exercise to improve circulation and reduce pressure
  • Wear supporter for better comfort
  • Stress reduction techniques to minimize stress and anxiety

3. Yoga and Exercise for Varicocele

Yoga and exercise can help improve blood flow, reduce pressure, and strengthen veins. Our expert recommends specific yoga poses and exercises like, kegel exercises for Varicocele.

Can Varicocele Affect Male Infertility?

The short answer is 'yes'. Varicocele affects male fertility in some individuals. However, most of the individuals with varicocele experience no reproductive obstacles. Medical studies don’t understand exactly what role varicocele plays in the male infertility. It is possible that temperature changes inside the scrotum due to blood buildup in veins. This higher temperature might affect sperm count or production.

If you suspect infertility may be an issue for you, talk to our Ayurvedic healthcare provider. Male fertility concerns are the top reason people get treated for varicocele. Almost half of the couples who seek Ayurvedic medical care for male infertility have a varicocele.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicocele at Dr. Health

Dr. Himanshu Dhawan recommends a holistic combination of research-based medicines plans, including ayurvedic home remedies, herbal medicines, diets, and lifestyle recommendations. Our Ayurvedic medications use herbal ingredients & unlike all other allopathic medicines, have no long-ranging side effects. With Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicocele, you can overcome the condition and restore your fertility and overall health.

Dr. Health’s Ayurvedic treatment for Varicocele focuses on three things –

  • Relieving symptoms
  • Curtailing progress of the disease
  • Preventing complications

It relies on natural herbal ingredients and detoxification of the body to relieve pain. These treatments are known to strengthen the elasticity of the veins. Our Ayurvedic treatment mention cystic swelling in the veins, which is a very near description of varicocele. Dr. Health precisely mentions treatments for different causes & symptoms of varicocele.

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Pain in Testies & it's Treatment

The testicles are very sensitive, even a small minor injury can cause pain in the testes or discomfort. This pain may also occur due to Varicocele, an issue faced by most of the males because of the lifestyle patterns. This may also be due to coiled tube and supporting tissues (epididymis) or it might be from within the testicle itself. In many cases, the reason for the pain may be due to issues with groin or abdomen area. Pain may also occur due to inflammation or sexually transmitted infections or might be because of an emergency condition called Testicular Torsion (Twisting). It appears as a dull ache in the scrotum, sometimes with swelling in the testicles.

Our Ayurvedic treatment aims to cure the pain with our naturally driven herbal medicines and focuses on the main root cause and gives a permanent solution to the pain. We believe right medication, healthy diet and lifestyle can cure any disorder be it acute or chronic. So, We with the same approach, have been treating the patients with our experts with years of experience in Male fertility.

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Thousands of Men are Cured of Varicocele at Dr. Health

Thousands of men have been cured from Varicocele at Dr.Health without surgery. Our advanced Ayurvedic Varicocele Treatment helps the patient to reverse varicocele symptoms like low sperm count, sperm motility, poor sperm morphology, testicle pain, heaviness of scrotum, nightfall, premature ejaculation. Constipation and Vata disorder (Ayurveda) are the main causes of varicocele.

Treatment at Dr. Health is a holistic combination of research-based medicine plans which includes herbal medicines, diets, and Ayurvedic home remedies. Ayurvedic treatment for varicocele offers a 360° solution that Includes Ayurvedic home remedies, herbal medicines, as well as diet & lifestyle recommendations according to the patient’s health status. The underlying root cause of varicocele can be different for different patient; therefore, it is important to address the root cause.