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Ayurvedic Varicocele Treatment

Ayurvedic Varicocele Treatment

Ayurveda has a great scope in the Varicocele treatment that too without any side effects. Varicocele is like having vascular veins in scrotum or the testes. Vascular veins is a condition where the blood carrying tubes inside a particular body part swell up and stick tight to the inner skin. It is commonly seen in legs but similar condition can be observed in the scrotum (lies inside the testes). The scrotum is the shielding sac around your testes and is responsible for maintaining its shape. 

Having this condition in your scrotum may feel like a bag of worms as the size of your testes gets enlarged. This affects a type of vein termed as pampiniform plexus, which is situated in the spermatic cord. This chord holds vas deferens, the tube that carries sperm, and the testicular artery, which transports blood to the testicles. 

It is a common condition as approximately 15 – 20% of men experience this at least once in their lifetime. In most cases, varicocele is painless and might feel negligible to notice but can sometimes cause an aching sensation around your testes. For some severe cases, varicocele can cause fertility issues and might reduce sperm quality in the long run. Varicocele can happen at almost any age but is most common in teens for the hormonal imbalance in blood flow during puberty. Varicocele typically affects only one side of the testicles, and usually, it’s the left side.

Signs/ symptoms of having varicocele

If you have following signs of varicocele, you should be considering availing a medical consultancy or making the best use of ayurvedic and home remedies:  

varicocele natural treatment | best varicocele treatment

  • Formation of lump inside the scrotum or the testicle
  • Swelling in testes
  • Enlargement of the veins of the scrotum
  • Testes size getting shrunk 
  • Discomfort in standing for long periods of time


Treating Varicocele by Ayurveda

While the surgical methods pose the possibility of some serious side effects inside the scrotal sac, Ayurvedic treatment on the other hand provides similar properties with no side-effects at all. 

Following are some possible side effects of having surgery to treat varicocele: 

    • Hydrocele – It refers to the condition wherein the accumulation of fluid around the scrotal sac can be observed. It can double up the tissue inflammation.
    • Abnormal body vitals – Abnormal health disorders like feeling nausea, high fever, and aching pain in abdominal/ pelvic region. 
    • Urinals complications – Difficulty in urinating and inability to empty the bladder in one go are common problems post-surgery. 
  • Scrotal swelling and infections – Prolonged infections inside the scrotal sac can be observed if there are some errors in surgical methods opted 

Having understood with the life-threatening side-effects of surgical methods opted to treat varicocele; it becomes quite evident to utilize the Ayurveda-backed treatments. Ayurveda promotes naturally driven medications and helps in providing immediate relief from the aching pain in scrotum. The medicated oils and other forms of medications used work with the Vayu Dosh (surrounding elements) in your body. This helps in reducing the symptoms and stopping the varicocele from getting bigger. 

Dietary Recommendations

Since the intake of herbal medications plays a major role in treating varicocele; it becomes equally important to have a balanced digestive system. To incorporate the same, the inclusion of easily digestible and nutritious foods is necessary. Whole-grain foods, fish oil, olive oil, fresh fruits, and vegetables are recommended additions. The dietary schedule or the time between the meals should be equal and fixed on a daily basis. This will improve the digestive system and make it easier for herbal medications to reach all fundamental body parts. Lubricants like fast food and excess alcohol should be avoided. Also, excess salty and sourness in foods should be avoided too.

ayurvedic treatment for varicocele | varicocele natural treatment


Following can be key takeaways for dietary recommendations: 

    • Whole grains – The consumption of whole grain foods will lighten the abdomen muscles and prevent constipation.
    • Leafy Greens – These are rich source of rare minerals, iron and potassium that will help to enhance muscle strength and overall stamina
    • Dairy Products – To ensure increased bone and muscle strength, the consumption of dairy products is immensely important. 
  • Animal proteins – These are quickest source of protein and provide high quality amino acids in least possible calories. 
  • Fresh fruits – Vitamin rich fruits, especially oranges are especially recommended. They promote tissue regeneration. 



Varicocele is a common condition that can affect men of different ages and stages in lifestyle. As per several studies conducted, it is reported that approximately 1 out of every 5 men suffer from varicocele at least once in their lifetime. It is caused due to the accumulation of excess blood in veins inside the scrotum. Such a condition is most commonly seen in teenage due to the hormonal imbalance in the puberty phase. Having enlarged testes, irregular scrotum shape, and lower counts of sperm production are some common signs observed in case of varicocele. Ayurveda offers life saving techniques which have zero side effects, unlike the complexities involved in surgeries. The inclusion of purification techniques like Raktamkokshana (bloodletting) and Virechana (Purgation) are a great means of treating varicocele. These techniques help in removing all unnecessary toxins and reduce the symptoms of varicocele. Having balanced and equally timed daily meals will help in forming an active base for digesting herbal medications. Whole grain foods, dairy products, animal protein, leafy greens, and fresh fruits are some recommended add-ons in daily diet. 


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