Azoospermia: Understand What It Is and How It Affects Male Fertility. - Dr. Health ...

Azoospermia: Understand What It Is and How It Affects Male Fertility.

Azoospermia affects about 1% of men worldwide, and there are about 10%-15% of infertile men who struggle with this condition. Just like Low sperm count, in Azoospermia, there will be no sperm count. Men who struggle with Azoospermia face a lot of stress and embarrassment as they are unable to conceive naturally. Ayurveda is the best way to treat Azoospermia without any side effects or complications.

“Obstructive causes and Hormonal problems of azoospermia are treatable with the help of Ayurveda.”

This blog will let you understand what Azoospermia is and how it affects the male population around the world.

What is Azoospermia (Nil\Zero Sperm count)?

Azoospermia is an infertility disorder that occurs in men. This disorder causes a complete decrease or absence of sperm when a man ejaculates. Azoospermia can develop due to various causes such as a blockage along the reproductive tract, Hormonal Problems, Ejaculation problems, or issues with testicular function. There are two types of Azoospermia that are generally observed, Obstructive Azoospermia and Non-obstructive Azoospermia. 

What is obstructive Azoospermia?

This type of Azoospermia causes a blockage or missing connections in the epididymis, ejaculatory ducts, vas deferens, or somewhere in the tract of the reproductive organ. In this condition, a man would be producing sperm, but due to blockage or absence of connection, the sperm is unable to exit in an appropriate amount. This type of Azoospermia can occur due to many factors such as Infection, Previous surgeries in the pelvic area, Cyst development, and Vasectomy.

What is Non-Obstructive Azoospermia?

In this type of Azoospermia, man faces infertility problems because of inadequate or nil\zero sperm production due to flaws in the structure or function of the testicles.

The defects can occur due to many factors such as genetic causes- Kallman syndrome, Kleinfelter syndrome, and Y chromosome deletion. Hormonal imbalance, Ejaculation problems, and testicular problems such as anorchia, Sertoli cell syndrome, spermatogenic arrest, Mumps orchitis, tumors, Radiation treatments, and diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure, cirrhosis, and varicocele can also be a factor behind non-obstructive Azoospermia.

Prevention Is Always Better Than Cure.

If Azoospermia is not caused due to genetics, there are many ways through which we can prevent it.

  •  Avoid engaging in activities that can cause injury to the reproductive organ. 
  •  Avoid being exposed to radiation.
  •  Avoid medications that can harm sperm production. 

Avoid exposing your testicles to hot temperatures for a prolonged period.

Complications faced by Men struggling with Azoospermia.

  • Relationship difficulties occur due to the inability to conceive.
  • Stress and anxiety arise. 
  • Men who are struggling with Azoospermia may also have suicidal thoughts.
  • Social and familial embarrassment.
  • Family conflicts can also arise.

Failure to become a father.

Ayurvedic Way Of Treating Azoospermia.

There have been several therapeutic approaches to treating the male infertility problem, Azoospermia. The world prefers Ayurveda above all the treatments because it has shown positive effects in treating all kinds of infertility problems and other diseases. 

In Ayurveda, Azoospermia is treated with the help of powerful herbs that boost male reproductive organs. Some of these herbs are Ashwagandha, Bharangi, Kantakar, Gokshura, Bhilawa, and chitrak. These herbs contain properties that re-regulate hormonal imbalance. These herbs also contain properties that stimulate spermatogenesis and libido, activate genital secretion, and enhance the maturation of spermatozoa. 

At Dr. Health, the Ayurvedic approach is used for all patients who struggle with any kind of infertility problem. Our ways of treatment are effective as we use natural methods, lifestyle changing methods, and herbs that have specific properties to improve overall health. 

Our primary focus is to provide relief to patients struggling with problems such as oligospermia, erectile dysfunction, Varicocele, Azoospermia, and premature ejaculation.


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