Dr. Health Blogs
Have You Ever Wondered Why Psoriasis Patients Are Asked To keep track of Their Diet?
Present days are so advanced that various treatments are available to manage Psoriasis, from skin ointments to medications...
Male Infertility in the 20s: पुरुषों में 20-30 साल के बीच बांझपन होने के मुख्य कारण और सुझाव
डॉ. हेल्थ के आयुर्वेदिक विशेषज्ञ प्रमुख हिमाँशु धवन बता रहे हैं आखिर क्यों बढ़ रहा है पुरुषों में...
Beat Premature Ejaculation with these Exercises
Premature ejaculation is a common male sexual disorder that affects approximately 4-39% of men of all age groups....
Causes of Acne: तनाव ही नहीं इन 5 कारणों से भी होते हैं मुहांसे, जानिये कैसे रखें अपनी स्किन को Acne Free
क्या आप नियमित रूप से मुहांसों से पीड़ित रहते हैं? अगर हाँ, तो आपने पहले से ही इस...
Dandruff vs. Scalp Psoriasis
Are you confused about whether the struggle you are going through is from Dandruff or Scalp Psoriasis? What...
Male Fertility Is An Important Factor. Don’t Ignore It!
Generally, we think of infertility as being mostly or exclusively a female problem, but did you know that...
Dr. Megha Chaturvedi’s Skincare Routine –The Secret to Look Youthful in your 30s
Looking for skincare advice? Do you ever wonder what skincare tips dermatologists use themselves to maintain a healthy...
High Blood Sugar and Male Infertility
There are several factors that are not very known among people about the effects of Diabetes. One way...
Ayurvedic Varicocele Treatment
Ayurveda has a great scope in the Varicocele treatment that too without any side effects. Varicocele is like having...
Ayurveda Vitiligo Treatment
Vitiligo is a rare skin disorder that causes the skin to lose its color and form smooth white...