Get Root-Cause Treatment for Plaque Psoriasis

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  • Certified Psoriasis Doctors Certified Psoriasis Doctors
  • 95% success rates 95% success rates
  • Ayurvedic treatment with no side effects Ayurvedic treatment with no side effects

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Get World's Top & Clinically-Proven Psoriasis Treatment

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What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the skin of one's body. When affected with Psoriasis, the area of the skin turns red or purple and goes through various changes or problems such as dryness, itchiness, skin color disorientation, and scaly skin. Psoriasis is not contagious & develops due to genetic or environmental factors that affect the immune system to dysfunctional, causing the skin to regenerate faster.

  • Psoriatic Arthritis - Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects both the skin and joints. It is a type of autoimmune arthritis that occurs in people who have psoriasis, a chronic skin condition that causes red, scaly patches on the skin.
    The traditional Ayurvedic approach in treating psoriatic arthritis include herbal remedies, such as turmeric and ginger, as well as dietary changes, including avoiding trigger foods such as nightshades and processed foods. Ayurvedic massage therapies, such as abhyanga, may also help reduce joint pain and stiffness. Early diagnosis and treatment of psoriatic arthritis, with a herbal and natural approach that includes Ayurvedic treatments, can help manage symptoms and prevent long-term joint damage.
  • Eczema - Eczema, commonly known as atopic dermatitis, is defined by itchy, red, and inflammatory skin areas. Eczema is a phrase that meaning "to boil over" and is used to describe a wide spectrum of skin rashes that produce inflammation. In Ayurveda, it is known as Vicharchika. In this disorder, the skin develops rough or cracked areas that itch. These patches seem different for different skin tones. It shows as red spots on pale skin, but as purple or grey areas on deeper skin tones. Ayurvedic Eczema Treatment employs a natural approach to mending a wide range of health issues, including skin ailments. Our ayurvedic practitioner conducts a comprehensive individual consultation to diagnose and pinpoint causative, genetic, mental and other influencing factors resulting in a specific condition before going ahead and finalizing a treatment plan. Hence, in Ayurvedic treatment for eczema in adults, the primary focus is on eliminating the negative factors and thus helping maintain good health. A cure is attained along the way to the total wellbeing of the person.
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Types of Psoriasis

Types of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an auto-immune disorder. It is a skin disorder that causes red, itchy, & scaly patches. Mostly found on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp.

  • Scalp Psoriasis- Scalp psoriasis is a common skin disorder that includes symptoms like raised, reddish, and often scaly patches. It can be seen as a single patch or several and can also affect our entire scalp. It can also be seen spreading towards the forehead, the back of our neck, or behind and inside our ears. Symptoms of scalp psoriasis may include: Scaly, red, bumpy patches, Silvery-white scales, Dandruff-like flaking, Dry scalp, Itching, Burning or soreness, and Hair loss.
    In Ayurveda, we treat it with scalp psoriasis natural treatment from the root, which includes oil and medicines that are made of natural herbs, unlike topical oil and steroids.
  • Plaque Psoriasis- This is the most common form of Psoriasis that causes dry and red skin patches that are covered with silvery scales. These scales might be itchy or tender and usually appear on our elbows, knees, lower back, and scalp.
  • Nail Psoriasis- As the name suggests, it affects the fingernails and toenails, which causes pitting, abnormal skin growth, and discoloration. In this condition, the nails might even loosen up and get separated from the nail bed. Severe cases are also seen in which the nails crumble and fall.
  • Guttate Psoriasis- This form of Psoriasis primarily affects young people. Guttate Psoriasis is triggered by a bacterial infection known as strep throat. It is visible as small drop shape scaling on the trunk, arms, and legs.
  • Inverse Psoriasis- This form of Psoriasis affects the skin fold of the buttocks, groin, and breasts. It forms smooth patches upon the skin that is red in color. This condition can worsen with the effects of friction and sweating and is triggered by fungal infections.
  • Erythrodermic Psoriasis- This is a rare type of Psoriasis that affects the entire body with a red peeling rash that can cause itchiness and dryness. It is an uncommon, aggressive, inflammatory form of psoriasis. Fiery red skin from head to toe is the main symptom of Erythrodermic psoriasis.
  • Psoriatic Arthritis- This type of Psoriasis affects the joints of our body. It causes similar effects to arthritis, causing stiffness and damage to the joints. If this condition is not managed, it can cause permanent damage to the joints.
  • Palmoplantar Psoriasis- This is a chronic variant of psoriasis that characteristically causes blister-like sores on the palms of the hands and/or soles of the feet and produces significant functional disability. It causes areas of thickened, raised, & discolored skin and can lead to pain, bleeding, & skin cracking.
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Symptoms of Psoriasis

Timely Treatment is Possible with Early Diagnosis!

Symptoms of psoriasis depend on the type of psoriasis, places psoriasis appears on your body, and amount of psoriasis you have.

In the early stages, you may have mild symptoms. Are you Facing These Symptoms?
  • Bleeding Skin Patches
  • Skin Blisters
  • Dry Skin Patches
  • Skin Pain & Inflammation
  • Restricted Joint Motion
  • Emotional Distress
  • Skin Redness Around Pustules
  • Itchy Scalp or Burning Skin
  • Raised Pus-Filled Skin Bumps
  • Loose Silvery Scales
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How is Plaque Psoriasis Diagnosed?

To diagnose psoriasis, our skin expert will examine your skin, nails, & scalp for observing signs of this condition.

Our skin expert will also ask a few questions about your health, if you have any –
  • Symptoms, including itchy skin
  • Nail pain
  • Joint problems, like pain & swelling or stiffness, when you wake up
  • If any blood relatives who have psoriasis or genetics problem
  • Recent changes in your life, like an illness or increased stress

The appearance of your skin plaque leads to the psoriasis diagnosis, but symptoms can relate to several other similar skin conditions. Sometimes, our skin expert may ask to go for skin biopsy. By looking at the reports of skin biopsy, a doctor can confirm whether you have psoriasis. This will help to determine the type of psoriasis you have & rule out other types of disorders.

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Why Consider Ayurveda for Treating Psoriasis?

Why Consider Ayurveda for Treating Psoriasis?

Ayurvedic treatment for all types of psoriasis, in their initial & advanced stages, begins with detoxification & cleaning of the patient's blood impurities. According to skin specialist at Dr. Health, stress & mental state is vital in treating psoriasis, & these are addressed via counseling and daily follow-ups during your consultation. Once these steps are done, the next step is balancing immunity. In addition to the herbal medicines, we also suggest diet plans and exercise schedules. Vata-balancing diet & lifestyle recommendations complement customized herbal medicines.

Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis follows the stipulated step-wise procedure. It begins with identifying & pinpointing the exact cause of the medical conditions of the patients. The present state of your disease will be determined subsequently. The course of medications, treatment methods, & types of medicines to be given will be decided after these stages.

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Why should Dr. Health be your go-to Option for Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment?

Thousands of patients every year entrust their faith in Dr. Health for psoriasis treatment all across the world. With 7+ years of dermatology experience, Dr. Health is considered to offer the best treatment. We look at the underlying cause for each symptom & improve your overall well-being. We believe in identifying the root cause of symptoms associated with the condition & conclude the treatment plan accordingly. Understanding the cause helps our doctor to rule out other complications related to the symptoms. We provide a customized treatment plan for each individual patient & the process includes purification of blood & rejuvenation of deep layer tissues.

Along with treatment procedures & decoction, a few lifestyle modifications are advised by our doctor to prevent the further accumulation of toxins and prevent the recurrence of psoriasis.

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Why should Dr. Health be your go-to Option for Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment?

Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment

With the vision to provide world-class services to people facing skin problems, Dr. Megha Chaturvedi (Skin Expert) continue her practice in the propagation of Ayurveda. Using the perfect blend of expertise gained over the years & serving thousands of patients has helped them get out of chronic skin condition – psoriasis. The treatment plans & protocols used that we use comply with global standards & helps in regaining & maintaining healthy skin hassle-free.

We at Dr. Health, enable true delivery of Ayurveda with personalized psoriasis treatment for each individual at all touch-points. We have championed the unique protocol, data-driven diagnosis, & Ayurvedic treatment. Our scientific approach is grounded in the rational principles, ensuring personalized treatment for each patient, to help them treat their psoriasis with the help of herbal medicines & lifestyle changes.

Good health is the major fundamental of human well-being. And, we at Dr. Health have a mission or vision – to create healthy, happy, and strong well-being by reviving the Ancient Indian science of healing — “Ayurveda” in the modern medical context.

We believe in creating a happy & healthy society by integrating the ancient Vedic knowledge of Ayurveda with modern technology. We offer Ayurvedic treatment & medicines for all kinds of skin conditions. Apart from medications, we provide dietary & lifestyle advices to make treatment more effective.
Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment

Patient Testimonials

What our patients have to say...


“I suffered from psoriasis since I was 20 years old. Now in my 40's, I have tried many treatments available in the market, been on herbal medicines by Dr. Megha Chaturvedi since New Year's Day, & I am so happy to say that it has nearly all gone. Now, I don't feel embarrassed, & I am so happy. I would recommend her herbal treatment for psoriasis to everyone; it's a slow process, but five months in & pretty much clear. No side effects.”

“I found out I had guttate psoriasis in 2018. I remember having this huge rash across my chest and how unusual it was because I'd never had any symptoms like this in my entire life; I had always had normal doctor visits until this point. It started off as bumps and then turned into what my psoriasis would eventually become, which is irregular red/brown patches of dry, raised skin all over my body. At the beginning stages, I felt really focused on how it looked. I tried so many medications & creams. But, all my efforts failed. It was challenging situation. At last, I relied on Ayurveda and it's unbelievable, Dr. Megha rewards me her best.”

“For the past 18 years, affected by psoriasis 30-40% of areas of my body including my face & scalp. Mainly no itching. After heavy exposure to sun, there is slight itching in some places. Tried so many medications. But only temporarily; they cured my condition. Dr. Megha Chaturvedi has given me my freedom back – Suggested me Ayurvedic medications, dietary changes, and I have had no side effects. I recommend Dr. Health's Ayurvedic treatment to everyone, for me, it's been so worth it.”

“At 25, I finally hit a breaking point and really started to figure out psoriasis patches on my skin – I felt ugly – I felt dry. Suffered from psoriasis was just like a roller coaster of countless highs and lows — physically & mentally. In the low moments, I reminded my mother's advice — that she always believed in Ayurveda as a form of happy & healthy well-being. Shortly after deciding to go with Ayurveda, I contacted Dr. Megha and started her treatment. And, it changes everything. After her consultation, I better understand my triggers & what causes flares. Now, I am confident & happy with my recovery.”

“At age 35, after a very stressful phase of work over 8 months, I developed psoriasis very suddenly. With no previous skin issues & no family history of psoriasis either, I conclude that the stress was the trigger. I had psoriasis all over, but the worst was on my scalp. The dermatologist prescribed a whole range of creams & ointments over a year. Nothing worked. Finally, I decided to go for Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Psoriasis from Dr. Megha Chaturvedi. I was told it would take up to 3 months to kick in & it did. Now, I am virtually clear with no side effects.”

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